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Kelowna Architect’s RU7 Homes Add Density With Award-Winning Design

Kelowna has been booming in every neighbourhood from the downtown core to the outskirts of Kettle Valley, through to the Glenmore Highlands and many locations in between. Older residential areas, including streets around Kelowna General Hospital are being rezoned to include more multi-family dwellings on existing single dwelling properties. The Infill Challenge offered by the…

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Kelowna Architect: Residential Style Solutions

Thinking of designing and building your ultimate abode?  Perhaps, you are re-inventing one of Kelowna’s gorgeous heritage homes. Architecturally Distinct Solutions has the expertise to transform your storage woes and honor the residential vibes. We can help you incorporate your favourite architectural styles into your private residence. Your Kelowna architects know that home is where…

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Kelowna Downtown Modern Architecture | Distinct Solutions

How Kelowna’s Downtown is Meeting Modern Architecture

The design of Kelowna’s Downtown is based upon the separation of four distinct districts: the cultural district, residential district, business district, and historic & entertainment district. It is important for Kelowna to retain its individual character and the identity of each area in order to reflect Kelowna’s ‘brand’ to tourists and residents alike. Further, having…

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